How many businesses are there in Nottingham?

How many businesses are there in Nottingham?

The question “How many businesses are there in Nottingham?” isn’t easy to answer since the number of active organisations in a city can change very frequently due to various factors. According to Nottingham City Council, there are more than 9,600 business, including more than 9,500 SMEs, of which 8,300 are microbusinesses employing 10 or fewer […]

Commercial Awnings in Nottingham

The question “How many businesses are there in Nottingham?” isn’t easy to answer since the number of active organisations in a city can change very frequently due to various factors. According to Nottingham City Council, there are more than 9,600 business, including more than 9,500 SMEs, of which 8,300 are microbusinesses employing 10 or fewer […]